Views: 1 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2017-06-06 Origin: Site
Sewage source
1.Domestic Sewage. Domestic sewage is the water that humans have used in their daily lives and are polluted by living waste. Domestic sewage generally does not contain toxic substances. But it has suitable conditions for microbial reproduction, containing a large number of pathogens, from a health point of view there is a certain degree of harm.
2. Industrial Sewage. Industrial waste water is the waste water produced in the industrial production. Industrial sewage can be divided into production sewage and production waste water. Production sewage refers to the formation of the production process, polluted by Production of raw materials, semi-finished or finished products and other raw materials, also includes heat pollution (referring to the water temperature more than 60 degrees Celsius in the production process); Production waste water refers to the formation of the production process, but not directly involved in the production process, not polluted by raw materials, semi-finished products or finished products and other raw materials, or just a slight increase in the temperature of the water. The production sewage needs to be purified, the production waste water does not need to be purified, and only needs to do simple processing, such as cooling treatment.
The mixed sewage of domestic sewage and production sewage is called urban sewage.
3. Initial Rain. The polluted rain mainly refers to the initial rain. Due to the initial rain washed away the surface of a variety of pollutants, pollution is in a high degree, so it should be purified.
Sewage treatment measures
1.Biological Contact Oxidation Method. Biological contact oxidation method is a kind of biological waste water treatment technology between activated sludge process and biofilm process, with the advantages of both. Biological contact oxidation has a variety of purification functions. In addition to the effective removal of organic matter, if run properly, but also to deoxidation and phosphorus removal.
2. Two-stage Activated Sludge Method, AB method for short. The method takes the sewage pipe and sewage treatment plant as a sewage treatment system. The process features are: no settling tank. A segment of high load, B segment of low load, A&B two sections of sludge reflux respectively. Making full use of microorganisms in sewage pipes, to create good environmental conditions for the growth of different periods of microbial populations. Let it play a full role. Strong impact resistance load capacity, stable treatment effect.
3. Sequencing Batch Activated Sludge Method, SBR method for short. In principle, the main process equipment of the SBR method has only one gap reactor. In one operation cycle, according to the order of operation, it is divided into five stages: inflow, reaction, precipitation, drainage and idle. SBR method is simple and cost saving. The ideal pushing process makes the biochemical reaction more powerful and efficient. Flexible operation, good nitrogen and phosphorus removal effect, no sludge expansion, good impact load, strong handling capacity.
4. Anaerobic Biofilter. Anaerobic biological filter is a kind of anaerobic biofilm treatment device with internal packing as microbial carrier. Its main advantage is not energy consumption, low cost, simple management, no noise, no smell, hanging film fast, less residual sludge, good water quality, stable operation effect.
Gradually establish a relatively perfect system of renewable water use, to achieve a healthy and orderly development of renewable water, which is conducive to the good development of the national economy.